Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scanners technology

Scanners are one of the important computer accessories in the modern offices. A scanner is an output device. This hardware is connected to the computer to take out the digital prints of images and text documents. Since its invention, scanner technology has grown leaps and bounds.
If you have a photo or document on paper and you want its digital copy, it is the job of a scanner to provide you that. Once you get a digital copy of that particular photo or document, you can print it, copy it or send it anywhere in the world.
Features of various types of scanners are more or less same. What makes them different from search other is the quality of digital print they deliver. There are scanners which produce absolutely flawless copies of the print. However, the better is the quality of print produced; more is the cost of the scanner. You can, however, adjust the quality of scan according to your needs.
Having a scanner is very beneficial for ordinary people or home office owners. You can produce you own photographs at home using the photo quality paper. You need not go to the local store to get your photos developed. In addition, you can preserve you important documents using scanning technology. And the most important use is the ability to send your scanned photographs and documents anywhere in the world via email or fax within no time.
There are standalone scanners and built-in scanners with printers. Standalone scanners are more powerful and deliver high-quality scans. If you want to save space and have convenience, go for the scanners incorporated with printers. These scanners provide you convenience of getting hard copy and digital copy at the touch of a single button.
There are many kinds of scanners depending upon their technology and design.
Flatbed scanners are the most common and most versatile kind of scanners. These are also called as the desktop scanners. Sheet fed scanners look like and work like flat bed scanner with few differences. In this scanner, paper is moved and scan head remains immobile. Handheld scanners also use the same technology as the flatbed scanner but these are very small. User moves it to the point where scanning is to be done. It is used mostly in shops and stores for scanning labels on the products. Drum Scanners are sued in publishing industry. It can scan images of high quality with reliability. It works on the photomultiplier tube technology.
If you want to purchase a scanner, choose it carefully according to your requirements.Canon, Hewlett-Packard, Epsom and Dell are the reputed companies offering good quality scanners.

Inkjet Printers technology

Inkjet Printers
Inkjet printers are one of the most common and effective printing technologies on the market today. There are many variations on this design in use for both commercial and private needs, although models used in the private sector use the same basic design and technologies.
What Makes an Inkjet Printer Work
Although there are many versions of inkjet printers, they all share some basic methods. One of the basic methods that an inkjet printer utilizes is to propel miniature drops of ink out of their nozzles and onto blank paper in such a way as to form a pattern that will end up in an image. Normally, the part of the printer that holds these nozzles, called the print head, will move quickly across the paper, spraying ink. Then the paper will be moved a small distance, and the printer will travel over the paper once again. An image is formed from the small lines of ink.
Using An Inkjet Printer
When you first purchase a printer, you will need to hook it up to your computer. The majority of people use either a USB port or a parallel port, which should match up to the proper port on your computer. Once it is plugged in the printer will need to be synced up with the computer, however, most modern operating systems will either do this automatically or provide directions.
After the printer has been installed properly, it will then be able to print your documents and pictures from any program. Every so often you will need to replace the print cartridge when the old one runs out of ink. Because of the fact that these printer cartridges vary from printer to printer, you should keep in mind that you need to purchase the proper one to fit your model. Installation should be very easy and instructions should be included in the owner's manual.
Inkjet Printers Advantages and Disadvantages
Inkjet printers have various advantages over other printing technologies. Their functional operations are much cheaper and quieter, and they start up quicker than the majority of other printer technologies. The printers themselves are also often cheaper than other styles. The majority of them can output very high-quality images, where the majority of other printer technologies do not have this type of ability.
Unfortunately, inkjet printers often have trouble creating these higher quality images unless given specially treated paper, which is often costs more. The ink cartridges can also be very expensive, and are often incompatible with other printer models. The heads of an inkjet printer can sometimes be prone to clogging and flimsy as well.
In conclusion, due to the fact that inkjets use water-soluble ink, the output onto the paper has the potential to be smudged by even the smallest amount of water. The images have the potential to be blurred even by highlighter markers.

Water Purification Technology

Water Purification Technology
Water purification technology has advanced in some areas and remained stagnant in others. New methods of water purification have been developed for homeowners that are more effective and more affordable than anything that was available in the past. It's a good thing.
However, water purification technology at public water treatment facilities hasn't changed much since the early days. Chlorine is still the most popular choice for disinfection, because it's cheap. No headway has been made towards the removal of cancer-causing byproducts that chlorination creates. Regulations concerning the amount of chlorine used have not been tightened, despite the known cancer risk.
There are home methods of water purification that protect us from the increased cancer risk by removing 99% or more of those byproducts as well as the chlorine. Until facilities come up with a better solution, homeowners must take the necessary precautions. But, as with most things, there's a problem.
As the need for effective home methods of water purification has grown, more companies have entered the marketplace. And this industry is largely unregulated. The advertising claims are misleading and no independent testing is required to verify those claims. There are some companies that have independent testing conducted to ensure that their devices perform as promised. But, since it is voluntary, there are many companies that do not participate.
The water purification technology necessary for removing chlorine and its byproducts, which are called THMs, is adsorption. Certain materials will trap chemicals on their surfaces as water passes over them. Granular carbon, for example, traps chlorine and many other chemicals. To further reduce chemicals like THMs, special resins are needed. Granular carbon also provides fluoride reduction, although the most effective method of fluoride removal is activated aluminum.
Reverse osmosis methods of water purification are expensive and out-dated. Better solutions are available, but many companies still promote reverse osmosis as the best solution for all homeowners. For anyone serviced by a public treatment facility, reverse osmosis is ineffective and unnecessary. The trace chemicals and other contaminants flowing out of our faucets are not removed through reverse osmosis.
Ion exchange is another advancement in water purification technology. It could be used for large-scale treatment, but because it is more expensive and would require remodeling the plants, most facilities don't use it. It can be adapted to reduce salt, heavy metals, and other naturally occurring elements.
In the home, ion exchange methods of water purification are included as a step in the most effective kitchen and shower filters, because they convert lead, copper and other metallic ions to harmless potassium and sodium. If you think that you don't need a shower filter, you might want to reconsider. Researchers have shown that more chemicals enter our bloodstream through inhalation and dermal absorption than through consumption.
Now that you know a little more about water purification technology, you next step is to buy an effective system for your home. Consider it a health investment.

Space Technology

Space Technology
Space science is the study of everything above and beyond the surface of the Earth, from Earth's atmosphere to the very edges of the universe. Space Technology refers to the technology in satellites and ground systems used by space scientists to study the universe (looking up) and the earth (looking down), or to deliver services to users on the ground. The vast majority of satellites are launched into space to provide services to people on Earth.
Satellite is an object which has been placed into orbit by human endeavor. Such objects are sometimes called artificial satellites to distinguish them from natural satellites such as the Moon. Space is the property of the universe, in which matter is physically extended and objects have positions relative to one another.
In classical mechanics, space was treated as being separate from time and is thought of as one of the few fundamental physical quantities. In Isaac Newton's view space was absolute, and held that it exists permanently and independently of whether there is any matter in the space or moving through it.
Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft. Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the Cold War.
The first human spaceflight was Vostok 1 (East 1), carrying 27 year old cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1961. The spacecraft completed one orbit around the globe, lasting about 1 hour and 48 minutes. Gagarin's flight resonated around the world; it was a demonstration of the advanced Soviet space program and it opened an entirely new era in space exploration — human spaceflight.
Space Shuttle Discovery (Orbiter Vehicle Designation: OV-103) is one of the three currently operational orbiters in the Space Shuttle fleet of NASA, the space agency of the United States. (The other two are Atlantis and Endeavour.) When first flown in 1984, Discovery became the third operational orbiter, and is now the oldest orbiter in service. Discovery has performed both research and International Space Station (ISS) assembly missions.
Space technology is technology that is related to entering space, maintaining and using systems during spaceflight and returning people and things from space.
Space technology has a huge impact on the everyday lives of people; and something as simple as checking the weather or watching satellite television or receiving a parcel guided by satellite, it touches most people's lives on any given day.

What About Web Technology?

What About Web Technology?
Am I the only one just a little bit concerned about the lack of specific ideas on fixing the economy by all of the current presidential candidates? They are quick to hit all of the hot button no brainier political issues like the war in Iraq, health care, oil prices etc. but when it comes to talking about the economy we hear more ideals than we do ideas. Phrases such as “I will protect the middle class” or “Americans deserve to work hard and be successful” are commonplace. The question is what are you as a presidential candidate going to do in this global economy to stimulate new jobs and reduce the outsourcing of current American jobs? I believe one huge step toward these goals would be for the government to invest in the proliferation of new web technologies and in education in the web technology sector.
How would this be accomplished? Right now the U.S. government provides grants to states to prepare workers for new and emerging industries. By increasing this funding and setting aside a certain amount for web technology grants the government would provide a big boost of capital for this emerging industry. Also, the government could provide small business loans to businesses in the web technology sector to provide access to middle class Americans. Finally, by increasing funding for web technology education the government would provide a boost to the level of skilled labor in the market.
Why web technology? If we are looking to provide quality opportunities for middle class Americans this is the place to start. Start up costs for a web business are low. The web is the great equalizer in that if you have a good idea and you can create a web presence the payoff can be immense. You see it every day now that the Internet is doing away with the need for newspapers, movies, even television. Advertising dollars are slowly migrating to the web. Our economy is moving there as well but unfortunately our leaders don’t have the forethought to move it out of the industrial age just yet. By making a big push in this sector the United States would gain a huge economic advantage in the global economy which would create new jobs and possible reduce the outsourcing of jobs. It is time to retrain our workforce to operate in the new web economy. Unfortunately, our current presidential candidates do not seem to find this notion politically satisfying.

Information Technology Law

Information Technology Law
IT laws are set of legal enactments adopted by various countries in the present day. This relates to a well-channeled movement of digital information. IT laws deal with various dimensions of Information Technology. It includes computer software, access to digital information, access to software, protection of software, fire walling and proxy server set ups, confirming to the norms of Internet usage and keeping the domain of e-commerce clean.
Information technology is a huge domain. It creates quite many chances for humans to benefit but at the same time imposes a lot of evil within its territory. The hackers and Internet criminals thrive on the feeling of searching loopholes. This endangers the entire IT network. The rut is all-pervasive. The social networking sites are in danger. The educative institutions and corporate workplaces are in peril. Hackers are all there. They can intend to malign a person or an organization for some personal vengeance. They can do it on behalf of somebody for money or the most contorted ones do it for the sake of sadist pleasure. This has forced countries to upgrade their IT law structures to efficiently combat caber crimes and crime within the broader domain of information technology. Apart from the global laws relating to IT, many countries are also forming individual laws relating to such crimes.
Few years ago India strengthened its commitment against such dubious crimes by passing the Information technology act 2000. It aims at barring any individual or organization from misusing or subverting computer terminals and network places belonging to the Indian Territory. It also bars similar misuse outside the country’s territory when the set-up is being owned or run by an Indian. The misuse can relate to the broadest and narrowest thread of information Technology. Reformed IT laws of today have necessitated certain amendments. Few additions that it has brought to its territory are: · Electronic Signature In Global And National Commerce Acts · Uniform Electronic Transactions Act · Uniform Commercial Code · Digital Signature And Electronic Authentication Law The idea is to tap the destructive movement of hardened Internet criminals. Few lawyers in Munich are working on stronger precepts of Information Technology laws presently. Hopefully something more stern and concrete should come out of their endeavor.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Profit From The Technology Slope

Profit From The Technology Slope
You've probably noticed how rapidly current mediums of technology are changing. Traditional CDs & DVDs will be replaced by a new generation of digital media in a few years, and the progress of wireless technologies and Internet enabled communication will make a number of communications technologies obsolete. The technology slope is accelerating at a record pace, and if a corporation is too specialized on a "ground-breaking" technology that can quickly become obsolete, that company will be left behind in the unforgiving market.
Here are some companies that may be left behind because of an obsolete technology:
1) XM Satellite Radio & Sirius Satellite Radio
The fundamental question is: Why do we need to go to outer space to access CD quality music? I think that the advent of Internet radio will quickly make satellite radio obsolete. Neither major company expects to earn a profit until 2008 but by then I'd expect to access Internet radio from my car. With the advent of broadband wireless technology that can span many miles and costs less than satellite, the usefulness of satellite transmitted data as used by these companies should decline greatly.
2) Netflix
CDs & DVDs are quickly being replaced by digital media that can be downloaded from a computer and by the new standard, Blue-Ray discs. iPods & mp3s are quickly replacing CDs and before long we will be able to download full length movies on your TV. With download speeds and bandwidth constantly increasing across the Internet, the availability of full quality DVDs is within reach, and becoming more so every day. Who wants to wait 2-3 days to watch a movie anyways? Netflix is in trouble unless they can change in a big way; distributing digital content through the mail is going the way of the dinosaur.
3) General Motors
Car manufacturing is a very expensive process, especially in the United States. Several automakers are taking big steps to increase the offshore presence to China, Vietnam, and Mexico. Meanwhile, General Motors continues to ramp up efforts in the United States. General Motors will continue to lose billions of dollars unless they can expand cost-cutting efforts to offshore manufacturing plants.
Keep in mind that you can profit in the stock market from shorting stocks, too. Selling a stock short is essentially betting that the particular stock falls in value. If the stock drops, you profit. I believe the three stocks above will fall drastically over the next decade unless they can turn things around in a big way.

Todays Technological Offices

Today's Technological Offices
Office furniture today are modular open office panel systems that are offered by a variety of manufacturers. Office managers and planners are confronted with a bewilderingg array of designs and price options. Office furniture plays a large role in how an office space looks and feels. As furnishing a large space can be very expensive. One important rule of thumb is to try to maintain the same style of furniture throughout the office. Mismatched tables and chairs tend to make any space look rather cheap and thrown together.
Purchasing decisions have grown more complex with the need to accommodate the massive increase in intelligence being accessed by employees. The term “computer-intensive workspace” describes a totally different environment than that of 30 years ago when a telephone, electric typewriter or shared word processing systems comprised office technology. Rows of desks began to give way to the rise of furniture systems-a combination of varied- height panels, cantilevered work surfaces and integrated storage and work tools that created highly flexible and efficient workstations for the rapidly growing white collar workforce.
Information technology is at the heart of today's successful business operations. Efficient integration of all key functional areas, from research and development through customer service, is critically important.
Employees no longer need to be physically with their clients and co-workers; instead they can communicate effectively at home, at a distant office, across the world, and even in their car or on an airplane, so when based at an office, it must be designed to meet the top technological aspects as well as being a home away from home. Although these new technologies offer a wide variety of services and opportunities, they seem united by a single factor: increased efficiency and productivity. Managing technology in the workspace has become a science of its own. For example, there are standards that govern the design and placement of voice, data and video cabling upon which employees depend for high-speed Internet access, for file sharing on their firms Local Area Networks (LANs) and to communicate with other company locations, customers and suppliers via intranets and extra nets. A high-performance workplace integrates technology from the building to the user. The link between the telecommunications closet and the individual workspace may be only a few meters long, but it has a big impact on flexibility, reliability, and performance of a data/voice/imaging network and also on the future costs of furniture and technology changes. To achieve a totally integrated, flexible workplace, planning a network means keeping in mind that the future is guaranteed to change.
These concerns have become more critical with the introduction of the “fluid workspace.” Today’s office floor plans are far from static. Work areas expand, contract and reconfigure to meet the ever-changing needs of a business. Modular office furniture and wall systems – and their cabling infrastructure – must accommodate these Moves, Adds and Changes (MACs) quickly, inexpensively and reliably.
Systems must be designed to conform to proposed OSHA standards related to health problems associated with intensive computer use, and to address work-related disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injuries. These conditions affect millions of workers and cost companies billions of dollars in lost productivity and disability payments.
For the most part, the office furniture industry has largely been unresponsive to these dramatic changes in the workplace. Many manufacturers are constrained by obsolete product designs, marketing and distribution methods dating back to the 1970s and 1980s.

Technological Advances In Video Games

Technological Advances In Video Games
Your mobile phone, computer, living room, and practically everywhere else are overtaken by the video game storm. Not so long ago video games were just a fad with simplee physics-based games like Pong. But as video game technology has progressed, so too has the popularity and limits that are associated with games in today's society.
Can Artificial Intelligence Think Like Humans: Artificial intelligence isn't anything new; it was present every time you served a ball to the computer play in Pong. But what is new is the fact that artificial intelligence is starting to mimic human beings more and more every day.
In today's games, enemies will try war tactics such as flanking. They might try to throw a grenade when they can't get a clear visual of you. They'll help their own teammates to bring your life to an end. Sound familiar? This is something very similar to what we call real life warfare. With each passing year, AI is becoming increasingly intelligent. It's only a matter of time before humans are truly outsmarted in video games (by their own creations, no less!).
Physics in Today's Technology: If you were to jump, you'd expect to land back on the ground within a second or two, right? Well, this very action is associated with equations and formulas that scientists have developed. All that a video game developer needs to do is look at these equations and apply them to video games.
Physics in the original Pong are impressive. It shows well displayed geometry physics. But in today's video games, physics are becoming increasingly realistic. You might jump off a mountain, stumble, and get back up. You might get punched from an enemy, fall down, and try to turn the tides of the fight.
Some of the more interesting physics technology deals with lighting and water. How should light be refracted when it hits a liquid surface? And how would the sun's glare look underneath the ocean? These questions and more have been answered by video game developers for such games as Crises.
Graphical Upgrades in Video Games: Pong wasn't such a beautiful game. It didn't make use of complicated shade's, textures, or sprites found in all of today's modern games. As time has marched on, there have been vast improvements in how graphics are rendered on gaming platforms.
Part of the reason technology has allowed for better graphics is through hardware upgrades. With limited processors of the Pong era, not much action could take place before choppy performance would have been observed. With today's high-speed hardware, we can allow for more pixels, instructions, and shading to take place- sometimes on a massive scale.
Technology has recently allowed for game development to be accessible to anyone- even without a computer science degree! Tools such as the Microsoft XNA Framework allow developers to create video games in a much less time span- and without the need to know a lot of computer jargon.
Where is Video Game Technology Going? Technology 20 years ago looked like it was the cutting-edge of what was to come- and now look! How would you compare a game of Pong to today's 3D shooters? You couldn't, and we can only hope in another 20 years we will be thinking the very same thing. While we can't foresee the future- virtual reality is one topic that has been being developed much in recent years. Time will tell!

TV Technology

New Options in TV Technology
Every once in a while it's a good idea to take a look at what kinds of TV display technologies are out there and run through how they're doing compared to each other. The most basic technology used in TV screens of course is the cathode ray tube. This is the big vacuum tube like monstrosity that's been around since the TV was first conceived of well over half a century ago. The cathode ray tube produces pictures by firing electrons at the screen of the TV where they're converted into photon of various colors, which in turn produce the pixels that the pictures that we see are composed of. This type of technology is still available, but has largely fallen out of favor in recent years because it's difficult to manufacture in the 16:9 aspect ratio that's now preferred for devices like HDTV sets (though there are HDTV sets that take advantage of cathode ray tube technology), because cathode ray tubes take up a lot of space, and because they consume significantly more power than newer technologies. While it would be nice to think that we're above such things, it's worth pointing out that cathode ray tube TV's have also fallen out of favor because flat panel TV displays are much more stylish. The flat panel displays that are so much in favor these days actually come in two varieties with the possibility of a third variety on the horizon. For a long time the leading type of flat panel TV display on the market was the Plasma screen. Plasma screens are composed of tiny pockets of gas that glow when excited by an electrical current. Each pocket of gas represents one pixel and the result of having them combine to form a picture is a screen capable of rich colors, deep blacks, and an ability to display quick movement. Another advantage of the Plasma screen display is that there's now physical limit on the size of a Plasma screen TV (although there are economic limits). Plasma screens do have a decent number of disadvantages though. Plasma screens consume a lot of energy, they fade in brightness over time, they don't look that good at higher light levels, and if you try to use one at an altitude in excess of six thousand feet it will make an annoying buzzing sound.
The most popular type of flat panel TV these days is the LCD display. LCD displays have longer theoretical life spans than Plasma screens. They also consume less energy, function well at any elevation, and look better in a wider variety of light levels. LCD screens work well with computers and are becoming increasingly affordable. They do have some problems with displaying deep blacks and have some trouble with blurring while displaying fast moving objects. Both of these issues are less of a problem on newer models.
The flat panel TV technology that's in the pipeline is called Laser TV. This type of technology uses actual lasers to produce images on the screen. It promises to get around some of the problems of the LCD technology while consuming less energy than the Plasma screen. It should also be lighter and more durable than earlier types of screens because of greater use of plastic in the design.
Clearly, no matter what kind of TV you end up with, there are some interesting options out there.

Formats Of DVD Technology

Five Formats Of DVD Technology
Music consumers entered a new era in the 1980s, when they were first introduced to the digital medium of CDs. On the motion picture side, home consumers were glued to the VHS, i.e. video home system, tape until the 1980s. This was also non-digital but gradually the digital CDs replaced VHS in the late 1980s.
Movie companies were not happy with the CDs that were available and worked on various digital video formats to develop a product that would give improved visual and audio quality to the home consumers. The result was the development of the DVD. The DVD technology originated in the early 1990s and immediately entertainment giants like Time-Warner and Sony realized and agreed to promote the new high quality technology.
DVD stands for digital versatile disc although it is popularly referred to as Digital Video Disc due to popularity in the video industry. The main reason for the popularity and growth of DVDs is that DVD technology allows for the storage of a large amount of data using digital technology.
At present, a DVD offers about 480 lines of resolution, which is double the 20 lines of the VHS format. The 480 lines is best seen on a progressing DVD player which can convert the 40 interlaced video into a 480 line progressive format. The progressive display has a 31.5 kHz or higher scan rate. This eliminates all traces of scan delay and provides a more film-like picture.
DVD technology differs a lot from the CD, even though they are very similar in appearance. A DVD is made of a thin, circular wafer of clear plastic and metal measuring 4.75 inches in diameter with a small hole in the center. The thickness is 0.2 inches and two such discs are compressed together to create a double-sided disc 0.04 inch thick.
The digital data, which consists of the binary language of ones and zeros, is encoded onto a master disc and this master disc is then used to create self-copies. The coping is done by burning small holes, called pits, into a microscopic layer of metal, usually aluminum, with the help of a laser. These pits are the binary ones. Binary zeroes are the smooth surface of the layer of metal, which has not been touched by the metal binary zeros. After this, the metal is coated with a protective transparent layer.
Five physical formats used in DVD Technology
DVD-ROM It stores general data as well as video and audio information needed for multimedia applications and computer games.
DVD One of the reasons for the success of DVD technology is the DVD video format. The DVD video application is strongly dependent on data compression since at the bit rate of 167Mbps, the 4 GB capacity of a standard DVD would be enough to store roughly 4 minutes of digital video. This provides for the nominal 133 minutes of playing time for DVD 5.
The DVD 9, which uses dual layer technology, is ideal for longer movies. In this case, the data on the first layer starts at the inside of the disk and end at the outside. The data on the second layer starts on the outside and ends on the inside thus providing uninterrupted playback.

Femtocells Technology

Femtocells Technology
So you may be asking yourself: What is new in the wireless industry? You know that the cell phone handsets are constantly being improved but what about the connection technology? Well wonder no more.
A word picking up popularity lately in the wireless industry is Femtocells; the word is being thrown around with alarming frequency, causing excitement in various parts of the wireless industry. Being thought of as the next big technological leap in wireless technology, many companies are ready to invest in further research into Femtocells.
Let's explore what exactly Femtocells are!
Femtocells are mini cellular access points that can provide increased cellular service inside buildings like homes, offices, hospitals, and other areas that may have limited cellular activity. Often buildings, such as federal or research facilities, will restrict the level of cellular penetration. A low-powered access point, Femtocells connect directly to the mobile operator's network by using an existing DSL or high speed internet access connection.
Using Femtocells will allow users inside buildings access to cellular service networks when previously access to the cellular network would have been spotty at best. Thinking about the need to stay competitive when more and more companies are offering low-cost VoIP services, mobile operators can use this technology to further extend their services into homes, offices and various other buildings. Many cell phone users would prefer to just have the one phone in their home, but the inability to get reliable in-home service can make it difficult for them to depend solely on their cell phone.
Essentially a personal cellular tower, Femtocells can be highly attractive to both cellular carriers and to cellular users.
As with any new technology there are a few downsides to the full implementation of Femtocells. The biggest downside, offhand, is going to be the cost involved in installation. While still in trials, Femtocells are starting to look like they are going to cost around $200 per unit. A price tag of $200 might be a bit too steep for the average household consumer; however, small businesses might see it still as being a worthwhile investment to help reduce their telecommunications costs. Improved indoor cellular service could help businesses reduce their reliance on "landlines."
Another major downside to the Femtocells is that they do work just like any other wireless device which, in close quarters to other wireless devices, can reduce their ability to function at peak performance levels. Perfect for rural areas that have limited or reduced cellular signals; Femtocells might not be as effective in buildings like apartment complexes, or other high rise buildings where several might be in use. More users in close proximity will mean more of a drain on the shared bandwidth.
Much more research needs to be completed on this technology with great potential; already mobile carrier giants Sprint and AT&T have expressed interest or have already invested in the developing technology. As the technology expands and is refined there is no doubt that more communications companies will express interest in the coming months.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Projectors technology

Projectors technology
A basic essential in offices and businesses today, projectors have not only become technologically advanced but also more convenient with added utility.
The first projectors were the overhead projectors. The overhead projector was very basic in its make and was designed to display image and text written on a transparency in an enlarged form on a screen or a wall. Presentations were hand written or laser printed on transparency (which usually denoted a slide) which was then replaced manually as the presentation proceeded. First used during World War II for military operations and planning, OHPs soon became a popular gizmo in offices, institutions, colleges etc.
As technology advanced, overhead projectors evolved to become digital projectors. A digital projector was capable of displaying the computer screen live on a wall or screen. This revolutionized the way corporate presentations were given or even training in institutions was imparted.
Now the technology in digital projectors has become more advanced and digital projectors have become more feature rich and power packed than what they used to be. When it comes to technology, digital projectors can be broadly classified in two categories – projectors that uses LCD panel for primary colors (red, blue and green). This is the slightly older version in the digital projector technology evolution. The light for each colored pixel is transmitted as per the image on the computer screen. This image once captured from the computer is then projected on to a screen or wall. The display can be adjusted for brightness, contrast control and sharpness.
Relatively newer technology in digital Projectors, Digital Light Processing (DLP), is a breakthrough in digital projectors. A proprietary innovation of the Texas based company, Texas Instruments; the DLP used tiny mirrors instead of the panel with each mirror representing a pixel. There are red blue and green filters that adjust color in the projected image. The result is a color modulated image that appears as good as natural color to the human eyes. The DLP projectors are light in weight, have a better contrast and better sharpness.
Then there are projectors that are wireless, can be directly connected to the internet and have zoom lens as added features.
Not just presentations but digital projectors can project every thing from photos to videos to movies. Apart from the picture digital projectors can also control the audio to give you a complete package and enrich your movie viewing experience. Some of the leading brands in projectors in India are – Acer, Benq, Canon, Dell, Epson, Hitachi, HP, InFocus, NEC, Optoma, Panasonic, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, Toshiba, Viewsonic including others. The price for these projectors ranges from INR 50,000 – 2,50,000 depending on the advancement in technology.

New Roofing Technologies

New Roofing Technologies
Imagine yourself sitting on your sofa, having a good time and then suddenly you look up and you see your roof. It looks pretty ordinary to you, unless you have an idea of the thought and the process that is put into it to make the perfect roof. The technology that is used to make roofs can seem to be very fascinating, because of the various innovations and inventions in the roof making techniques. During the 80s, the roofing techniques were limited to singular plies. The case is whole lot of different today due to the changing climatic conditions and demand for environment friendly roofs.
There is an emergence of new roofing technologies due to the varying demands of customers. People may consider alternative roofing techniques to suit their needs. It may be for making their homes look more attractive or adhering to the environment and using green rooftops. Some of the emerging roofing technologies include the following:
Cooling roof technology: The load of heat emitted by the sun can play a huge role in the roof's cooling system. Due to this, there is an immediate rise in the temperature thereby contributing to the cooling loads. Many technologies have been developed with respect to this problem such as using reflecting paints on the roofs, using more insulation, etc. However, there was a need for a technology that would help in blocking the heat and protection from the rains as well. Keeping these demands in mind, a new technology was developed known as the Night Sky. This technology takes care of all the cooling needs and successfully keeps out the rainwater from seeping through.
Green Rooftops: This technology was developed with a view to give a building or a home a more natural and serene look. Though this technique is more traditional, the modern green roofs are attaining popularity all over the world. Due to new inventions and innovations, green roofing has become a very easy task, even for your Average Joe. This roof have a more cooling effect and adds beauty to the structure of the house. These roofs also have a longer life compared to other roofs.
Metal Roofs: When you think about metal roofing, the first thing that comes to your mind is the unbearable noise it would make during rains. With the help of technology, metal roofs are becoming very popular, as it requires no maintenance at all. Modern metal roofs are placed over plies so that the noise is no longer a problem. Due to metal roofing, there is no problem with regards to mosses or algae during rains. Besides, even if your metal roofs become dirty, you can easily wash it with a garden hose.
SPF roofing: SPF is an acronym for spray polyurethane foam. It is the next generation roofing that can be characterized by its advantages. This roofing has a long life and it avoids the seepage of water as this roofing involves coating of several layers. Typically, two more layers are applied on top of the SPF, i.e., the base coat and the top coat. The topmost layer is coated with elastomeric coat.
Roofing technologies are constantly evolving in order to cater to the needs of customers. There are varieties of options available to make the roofing process easier with respect to installation, safety, etc. If more emphasis is given on the installation aspect, there is more scope for the development of roofing technologies.

Technology and Children

Technology and Children
If your children know more about technology and computers than you do, this message is for you. If your children or teenagers are nearby, now is the time to usher them out of the room because this is for your eyes only. If it’s not possible to read this in private right now, than be sure to bookmark this page and come back to it when you can read it without ‘inquiring minds’ hovering nearby. You’ll understand why in just a couple of minutes.
Do your young children or teenagers know more about technology and computers than you do? Do you scratch your head in amazement and utter confusion when your children discuss the latest and greatest technological advances that you know nothing about? How about this: Do you really know what your children or teenagers are doing while they are online? If that in itself doesn’t concern or worry you, it should.
Advances in technology play an ever-increasing role in our lives today, with much of it being positive, and it will only increase in the future. While there are great potential benefits with technology and computers for learning and discovery, there is also tremendous opportunity for misuse. According to the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), “early childhood educators (and parents) carry the responsibility to critically examine the impact of technology on children and be prepared to use technology to benefit children“.
That begs this question: How can the non techno-savvy parent “critically examine the impact of technology” on their children if they are clueless about technology and computers?
Parents may tell their children not to talk to strangers, not to open the door if they are home alone, and not to give out personal information to persons unknown. Parents often keep track of where their children are, who their friends are and where they live, etc. However, many parents do not understand or realize that this same attentiveness and supervision must include critical examination and supervision while their children and teenagers are online.
Children and teenagers are not protected by a parents assumption that online service providers are supervising and regulating what goes on in “chat rooms”, “news groups”, or social networking sites like My Space. Websites like My Space “require” users to be at least fourteen years old to join, however there is no way that My Space can verify the truthfulness of age. Therefore, someone who is well into their 30’s or even 50’s and older can easily pretend to be someone in your child’s age group and communicate with your child.
Educate yourself-Recently a news story was published about a young girl named Megan who was a victim of online bullying, which unfortunately lead her to commit suicide rather than continue struggling through this horrific ordeal. I dare say that if her parents’ were closely monitoring and supervising Megan’s online activities with the tremendous help of commercially available computer monitoring software, Megan would likely be alive today and her tormentors in jail where they belong.
“Get It? Got It? Good!” is a free download booklet on the topic “family guide on getting to grips with technology“. It’s an extremely useful booklet offered by a children‘s charity called NCH, full of information for the techno-challenged parent. You may even want to print off several copies for family and friends, or email them the link so they can benefit as well.
With personal effort and practice, parents can do much to ensure their children’s safety, and hopefully this has been a wake up call for you.

Online Advertising technology

Online Advertising
As the fastest growing form of advertising in the 21st Century, Online Advertising has been a constant area of discussion and debate. So, how can this format really work for advertisers in a fast moving climate?
In the mid nineties, Online Advertising was going through its initial stages of development. At that time people were intrigued by the power of the Internet and its capacity to give them a vast amount of information very quickly. As time and technology moved on, so did the advertising designs and the way they captured our attention.
There are many examples of Online Advertising formats and the decision of which ones to choose depends very much on the type of product you want to promote and the kind of message you want to give out. The most popular Online Advertising services include:
Contextual ads on search engine results pages Banner adverts as standard leader-board, skyscraper or bespoke sized formats Advertising networks, which includes banners and pay per click targeting E-mail marketing, including the targeted use of opt-in lists or part of an in-house distribution Sponsorships, including logo or message branding on content and PDF pages Directory listings or tailored micro-site pages
Most of the above forms of Online Advertising rely on a certain amount of programming and designing to make the ads run and display in the correct way. There is also no doubt that recent advances in advertising technology has played a major part in the way we react and respond to online business and consumer advertising. However, it seems that technology is moving so fast that even the Online Advertising industry can barely come up with applications and tools that meet those changing technologies. Whichever way you look at it though, one thing remains - even though consumers have a consistent requirement for quick information, they are still making those clicks and filling out request forms online.
If we go back a few years, we'd see that Banner Advertising accounted for over 50% of total Online Advertising revenue. But with the reduction in ad clicks from banner adverts and other traditional online formats, advertisers are now looking for the next big online development that will get people clicking again.
This requirement has fuelled an explosion in the creative development of advertising formats in online media – love them or hate them, they'll continue to change, will develop into even more sophisticated designs and will be around for a considerable amount of time yet.
So, now that we've established that Internet Advertising has evolved way beyond the early days of banner advertising and flashing buttons, how do we get the best value from a media that is constantly changing?
Well, what buyers need to do now is to step back, take a deep breath and make sure that they analyse and research all of the available options before testing different formats. Whatever they do, they must not believe the fly-by-night sites that promise you the earth and tell you that you don't have to put any work into your Online Advertising. Unless you have a never-ending supply of money, you will have to do some work to make anything happen and it is no different with Online Advertising.
If we look at the more recent online products, one of the success stories of Online Advertising has to be pay per click advertising. A number of providers have developed this as a very cost-effective way of getting clicks to your site, for very little money. For the price of a half page advert in a regional newspaper, you can get a few hundred clicks to your website.
There is still a question mark, in terms of the return on investment value to this format, but there is no doubt that it is ticking all the right boxes when it comes to getting people to visit specific landing pages of a website. If this is all you want to do, then PPC is a must.
Of course, Online Advertising isn't all about advertising on networks and websites. It also covers email and other electronic formats and this is an area that has enjoyed tremendous growth in the last few years. To reach the in boxes of an opt-in subscriber list is a very attractive means of promotion for a lot of advertisers and this method continues to gain popularity. However, as our overall capacity and enthusiasm for flashy graphics dwindles, publishers of HTML email newsletters and online animations are now toning down their designs across many industry sectors.
As far as allocation and media buying is concerned, it is known that almost one third of Online Advertising will come from incremental spending, but the majority will still come from traditional marketing budgets. This is a sure sign that Online Advertising is now becoming less of an ad-hock test media and more of an ongoing fundamental requirement.
With the continuing shift from print to online, there is no doubt that this media will continue to grow as the technology and our desire to keep up with new developments grows with it.

Contextual Advertising technology

Contextual Advertising
Have you ever wondered how the websites you look at end up having ads similar to the content that's on the page? Contextual advertising has been around for several years, and this form of advertising has gotten higher click-through rates for publishers because the advertisements are always within context. Basically, when you sign up for a contextual advertising network, you allow the network to place advertisements on your page. The network automatically scans your website, focuses on the keywords, and grabs contextual ads that are targeting the same keywords as your website. These contextual ads then appear on your page.
The reason contextual advertising works so well on websites is because the ad network uses an algorithm to pair websites with matching ads. An algorithm is the special technology utilized by search engines to bring a list of answers to a search topic based on keywords. Each algorithm is essentially a list of tasks the search engine must perform in order to bring back the results that were requested by the person using the search engine. Search engines use several algorithms at once to get the best results for every online search. Contextual ad networks use these same algorithms to match keywords and website content with similar pay per click ads.
One method to utilize contextual advertising on your website is through In Text pay per click ads. In Text ads like the ones offered through Info links show up as double-underlined links within the text of your website. They don't take up any extra space on your website, and they make a great addition to a traditional pay per click campaign that utilizes banner and image advertisements.
In Text advertisements also have a number of advantages over the traditional type of ads. For one thing, they're much less noisy and distracting. They also don't place any images on your website, which means you won't end up with advertisements you don't approve of. In Text ads are also a form of permission marketing, which means your website visitors choose whether or not they see the ads. A small bubble opens whenever they pass the mouse over the In Text ads. That bubble gives them just enough information to know if they're interested in the ad. Advertisers also give In Text contextual ads high scores because people are more likely to click on them because they've trained themselves not to notice the traditional banner ads.
Info links is an In Text advertising network that offers a smarter contextual advertising model for publishers worldwide. The Info links algorithm objective is to yield the highest exam possible, thus ensuring the highest revenue, guaranteed.