Tuesday, June 15, 2010

What About Web Technology?

What About Web Technology?
Am I the only one just a little bit concerned about the lack of specific ideas on fixing the economy by all of the current presidential candidates? They are quick to hit all of the hot button no brainier political issues like the war in Iraq, health care, oil prices etc. but when it comes to talking about the economy we hear more ideals than we do ideas. Phrases such as “I will protect the middle class” or “Americans deserve to work hard and be successful” are commonplace. The question is what are you as a presidential candidate going to do in this global economy to stimulate new jobs and reduce the outsourcing of current American jobs? I believe one huge step toward these goals would be for the government to invest in the proliferation of new web technologies and in education in the web technology sector.
How would this be accomplished? Right now the U.S. government provides grants to states to prepare workers for new and emerging industries. By increasing this funding and setting aside a certain amount for web technology grants the government would provide a big boost of capital for this emerging industry. Also, the government could provide small business loans to businesses in the web technology sector to provide access to middle class Americans. Finally, by increasing funding for web technology education the government would provide a boost to the level of skilled labor in the market.
Why web technology? If we are looking to provide quality opportunities for middle class Americans this is the place to start. Start up costs for a web business are low. The web is the great equalizer in that if you have a good idea and you can create a web presence the payoff can be immense. You see it every day now that the Internet is doing away with the need for newspapers, movies, even television. Advertising dollars are slowly migrating to the web. Our economy is moving there as well but unfortunately our leaders don’t have the forethought to move it out of the industrial age just yet. By making a big push in this sector the United States would gain a huge economic advantage in the global economy which would create new jobs and possible reduce the outsourcing of jobs. It is time to retrain our workforce to operate in the new web economy. Unfortunately, our current presidential candidates do not seem to find this notion politically satisfying.

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