Sunday, June 13, 2010

Contextual Advertising technology

Contextual Advertising
Have you ever wondered how the websites you look at end up having ads similar to the content that's on the page? Contextual advertising has been around for several years, and this form of advertising has gotten higher click-through rates for publishers because the advertisements are always within context. Basically, when you sign up for a contextual advertising network, you allow the network to place advertisements on your page. The network automatically scans your website, focuses on the keywords, and grabs contextual ads that are targeting the same keywords as your website. These contextual ads then appear on your page.
The reason contextual advertising works so well on websites is because the ad network uses an algorithm to pair websites with matching ads. An algorithm is the special technology utilized by search engines to bring a list of answers to a search topic based on keywords. Each algorithm is essentially a list of tasks the search engine must perform in order to bring back the results that were requested by the person using the search engine. Search engines use several algorithms at once to get the best results for every online search. Contextual ad networks use these same algorithms to match keywords and website content with similar pay per click ads.
One method to utilize contextual advertising on your website is through In Text pay per click ads. In Text ads like the ones offered through Info links show up as double-underlined links within the text of your website. They don't take up any extra space on your website, and they make a great addition to a traditional pay per click campaign that utilizes banner and image advertisements.
In Text advertisements also have a number of advantages over the traditional type of ads. For one thing, they're much less noisy and distracting. They also don't place any images on your website, which means you won't end up with advertisements you don't approve of. In Text ads are also a form of permission marketing, which means your website visitors choose whether or not they see the ads. A small bubble opens whenever they pass the mouse over the In Text ads. That bubble gives them just enough information to know if they're interested in the ad. Advertisers also give In Text contextual ads high scores because people are more likely to click on them because they've trained themselves not to notice the traditional banner ads.
Info links is an In Text advertising network that offers a smarter contextual advertising model for publishers worldwide. The Info links algorithm objective is to yield the highest exam possible, thus ensuring the highest revenue, guaranteed.

1 comment:

  1. If you're looking for an excellent contextual ad company, I suggest you take a look at Chitika.
